Young boy on his phone being cyberbullied

Aggravated Harassment: Modern Legal Challenges

Aggravated harassment over the internet, commonly known as cyberbullying, refers to the use of digital technologies, like social media, emails, and messaging platforms, to deliberately and repeatedly harass, threaten, or intimidate individuals. This form of harassment transcends traditional physical boundaries, allowing perpetrators to target victims at any time and place. Cyberbullying...

Aggravated Harassment: Modern Legal Challenges Continue reading…
Man taking a breathalyzer test in his car

Should You Agree To A Breathalyzer Test If Pulled Over By the Police?

Driving while intoxicated is never a good idea, but if you have been drinking and are stopped by the police in New York (including Long Island), the decision of whether to submit to a breathalyzer test is a matter of legal and personal consideration. Understanding the implications of submitting to or refusing...

Should You Agree To A Breathalyzer Test If Pulled Over By the Police? Continue reading…
drug crime

Understanding the Legal Distinctions: Charges for Possession vs. Intent to Distribute Controlled Substances

In New York, the laws regarding possession and intent to sell drugs are both strict and complex. These laws categorize illegal substances and control their distribution, and the severity of the charges depends on several factors. These include the type and amount of the drug in question, the individual's intent (personal...

Understanding the Legal Distinctions: Charges for Possession vs. Intent to Distribute Controlled Substances Continue reading…